Robo-Advisors vs DIY Index Funds

 Robo-Advisors vs DIY Index Funds Robo-Advisors have become extremely popular in the last few years with companies like Wealthfront and Betterment making up most of the market share.  These companies essentially create and manage a portfolio of low cost index funds...

How to Migrate from Godaddy to Cloudways Hosting

How to Migrate Hosting from Godaddy to Cloudways Why migrate from GoDaddy to Cloudways? I used GoDaddy hosting for years and this was mainly because Godaddy is where I registered my first domain name.  This was about 10 years ago and I didn’t really have any...

How to Build Your First Online Business

How to Build Your First Online Business   How to Build Your First Online Business Building an Online Business is the best way to get out of a 9 to 5 job, achieve financial independence and travel the world.  I started making Online Businesses 10 years ago and...

Why I’m Not Selling My Business

Why I’m not selling my business I have this dream lingering in the back of my mind about selling my business and sitting on a beach somewhere drinking endless San Miguel Lights or Tiger Bacs.  All without a care in the world and doing this while living off...

What is Financial Freedom?

What is Financial Freedom? While this number will vary for everybody, the basic math is: Cash Flow from Assets > Monthly Expenses It is actually a pretty simple concept but it can be hard to implement.  Think of it like trying to lose weight.  To lose weight, you...